Tuesday, February 27, 2007

NotTheNews is back in it's original format

And when I say original format, I am being facetious since my 'formatting' abilities are extremely limited.

As you may know, this blog was started as I looked around for a way to continue my neurotic ramblings on life in Merida after Geocities/Yahoo informed me that the 'free' space I had was rapidly filling up.

Doing a quick check on the internet last week, I found that the name "not-the-news.com" had been dropped by someone and was now available. I snatched the name and committed myself to a longer relationship with the folks at Yahoo, hosting the site there and actually paying them.

In other words, NotTheNews will continue there, as opposed to all those other options I was trying to juggle (elmaloso.com, this blog, the old Geocities site). All the archives are still at www.geocities.com/elmaloso.geo and all the new stuff will be located at www.not-the-news.com from this moment on (as Shania Twain would say).

If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me.

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