Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A New Site?

As an opening note, let me start by mentioning that my good friends the Campos were over the other day and mentioned that they had started a blog about life in Yucatan and why didn't I try it? It was free (gratis - hasta puñaladas!!) and easy to set up.

Lo and behold, here it is. For the next little while I will try to be a little more frequent in my neurotic ramblings on life in Mérida. I say that because setting up a little issue every month or three was becoming a little tedious, and I was just not getting around to it, period.

For those of you wondering 'de que demonios esta hablando este' I would respectfully request that you visit http://www.geocities.com/elmaloso.geo/ to get the full background on what NotTheNews has been about for the last 10 years. Yes, 10 years. When culture shock after moving to Merida from Canada became too overwhelming and threatened to destabilize my mental health, my shrink suggested writing down my neurotic observations. And that I have been doing, on and off, for the last 10 years.

As always, like they are trained to say in Starbucks in the U.S. (not at the one in the D.F. airport) "enjoy".

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